Physician Accreditation Statement
NYSOMS is accredited by the American Osteopathic Association Council for Continuing Medical Education to sponsor continuing medical education (CME) activities for osteopathic physicians.
Credit Designation Statement (AOA)
NYSOMS designates this live activity for 1.0 AOA Category 1-A CME credits. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent for their participation in the activity.
It is the policy of NYSOMS that the information presented at CME activities will be unbiased and based on scientific evidence. To help participants make judgments about the presence of bias, NYSOMS has provided information that CME Committee members, moderators and speakers have disclosed about financial relationships they have with commercial entities that produce or market products or services related to the content of this CME activity.



 COVID-19: Lessons From The Front Lines in New York

Live Webinar
June 10, 2020
7:30 - 9:30 PM
Participants can earn 2.0 AOA Category 1-A Credits for this activity*
Join us for this two hour live online presentation, where our speakers share their expertise and what they've learned on the New York front lines of caring for patients with COVID-19 . Hear the perspectives, challenges, and strategies from their different practice settings as the pandemic continues to evolve. 

Gerard Baltazar, DO, FACOS, FACS

Faculty Attending, Department of Surgery
NYU Winthrop Hospital
Clinical Assistant Professor, NYU Long Island School of Medicine

1. Summarize unique challenges and perspectives of surgical critical care specialists during the New York surge of COVID-19.

2. Illustrate how understanding of COVID-19 and responses evolved in real time on the front lines.

3. Appraise opportunities for the use of osteopathic principles and practice for COVID-19 patients who require hospitalization. 

Lawrence Northorn, DO, FACOFP

Family Medicine Physician
Assistant Professor, NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine
President, NYSOMS

1. Outline challenges/barriers of treating patients in a primary care setting.

2. Discuss long and short term effects the pandemic will have on managing patients & primary care practice.

3..Consider emotional and physical health consequences patients will experience.

Hallie Zwibel, DO, MPH, FAAFP

Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Medical Director, Academic Healthcare Centers 
Director of Sports Medicine,
New York Institute of Technology

1. Differentiate types of virtual visits.

2. Explain documentation requirements and regulatory changes.

3. Effective strategies for implementing virtual visits in a physician practice. 

The New York State Osteopathic Medical Society is accredited by the American Osteopathic Association to provide osteopathic continuing medical education for physicians. The New York State Osteopathic Medical Society anticipates this program to receive a maximum of 2.0 AOA Category 1-A credits and will report CME and specialty credits commensurate with the extent of the physician’s participation in this activity.
*Participants must be registered and present for the entire webinar and must complete the course outcome survey following the program in order to receive credit.

 "Coronavirus - Is There a Missing Link to Treatment?"
Presented by Richard Chmielewski, D.O.
The Falcon Clinic for Health, Wellness and Recovery
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (ET)

Because of the current status of the pandemic, we provided this webinar for free to all Osteopathic Physicians. Consider joining our society to participate in future CME webinars and programs.



Slides available to download here

With the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continuing to spread both domestically and abroad, how can the osteopathic profession use manipulative medicine to treat patients? Join us for an interactive webinar with Dr. Chmielewski, a NYSOMS Board member and clinical instructor, who will be speaking on the osteopathic approach to viral respiratory illnesses. Dr. Chmielewski will also perform OMM demonstrations from his clinic straight to your computer. Treatment strategies and considerations to combat the spread will be discussed, followed by a Question & Answer period.